Who is Proof Positive for?
- The autism community.
Who is the autism community?
- The autism community includes autistic individuals, family members, social service professionals, educators and community members.
Where do I start?
- Begin by exploring the Skills of Happiness on our website. Each skill includes easy-to-use activities. Start with the skill you’re most excited to learn more about.
Can Proof Positive resources be used with individuals with different learning levels?
What about people with profound autism?
- Yes! The skills include differentiated materials for learners of different ability levels. We also encourage you to adapt resources as needed to fit the individual needs of your students and clients.
What are the skills of happiness?
- The skills of happiness are evidence-informed positive psychology practices, such as Strength Spotting, What Went Well, and Jolts of Joy, that improve wellbeing.
What is positive psychology?
- Positive psychology is the scientific study of strengths and practices that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Simply put, positive psychology is the science of human flourishing.
Is there research supporting positive psychology?
- There is an established and growing literature base for positive psychology. Check out our Science section to review curated peer-reviewed publications.
How can happiness be learned?
- Happiness can be learned by practicing evidence-informed skills that foster positive emotions, connection, and wellbeing.
What age group are these resources for?
- Our resources are adaptable for all ages, from young children to adults.
Who are these skills for?
- Parents? YES.
- Educators? YES.
- Clinicians? YES.
- Behavior Analysts? YES.
- Autistics? YES.
- Siblings? YES.
Do I need to be certified to teach these skills?
- Nope! Anyone can teach the skills of happiness. Our materials are easy to follow for anyone who wants to use them.
I’m not an autism specialist or special education teacher. Can I still use these resources?
- Absolutely! Neurodiversity exists everywhere. Our resources are designed to be universally accessible.
It says the resources are free. How does Proof Positive provide these resources for free?
- All resources are free and will always be free due to our founders’ generosity.
Can I use Proof Positive resources with other therapies or interventions?
- Yes, the skills of happiness are meant to be complementary to other therapies and interventions.
How do I join the Autism Wellbeing Alliance?
- Share your name and email address with us here, and you’ll be all set!