A Systematic Review of Mindfulness Intervention for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Long-term Practice and Long Lasting Effects
Can Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Learn and Benefit from Mindfulness?

In reviewing 12 studies on mindfulness and individuals with developmental disabilities, this paper show that mindfulness intervention can significantly reduce certain behavioral and/or psychological challenges of people with developmental disabilities. This paper explores the characteristics and objectives of mindfulness practices, their positive effects, and the accommodations made to meet the needs of those with developmental disabilities.

A Systematic Review of Mindfulness Intervention for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Long-term Practice and Long Lasting Effects

Can individuals with developmental disabilities learn mindfulness? If so, with what result? A systematic literature review identified 12 studies that taught mindfulness practice to individuals with mild to severe developmental disabilities, demonstrating that mindfulness intervention could significantly reduce the behavioural and/or psychological problems of this population. The majority of these mindfulness intervention studies were longitudinal, featuring long intervention periods and long lasting intervention effects. This paper analyses the characteristics and objectives of mindfulness interventions, along with their effects, focusing on the adjustments made to intervention content and instruction strategies to meet the specific requirements of individuals with developmental disabilities. The potential for improving mindfulness interventions for people with developmental disabilities is also discussed.

Hwang, Y.-S., Kearney, P. (2012). A systematic review of mindfulness intervention for individuals with developmental disabilities: Long-term practice and long lasting effects. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 314-326.