The Effects of Compassion at Work
This study systematically documents the effects of compassion on daily work, meanings, attitudes, and behaviors. Findings show the powerful ways that small interpersonal acts of healing infuse individuals and their workplace with meaning and psychological resources.
What Good is Compassion at Work?
This paper presents two views on the effects of compassion at work. The first view presents a quantitative model, indicating that experienced compassion relates to employee and organizational outcomes. Through analysis of compassion stories, the second view reveals mechanisms through which compassion has its effects, uncovering how acts of compassion are cues for sensemaking about the self, co-workers, and the organization. Together, the two views provide evidence that acts of compassion at work create important effects.
Lilius, J. M., Worline, M. C. Dutton, J. E., Kanov, J., Frost, P. J., Maitlis, S. (2003), What Good is Compassion at Work?