People matter, and we know it takes a community to create a world where wellbeing wins for all. Proof Positive launched its inaugural Learning Institute in Princeton, New Jersey this summer – a big step towards expanding the Autism Wellbeing Alliance and creating a world where flourishing with autism is possible.
Leaders in autism intervention nationwide attended the Learning Institute’s 3-day immersion experience, an experience designed to build a shared community committed to spreading the science and skills of happiness in the autism community. These leaders are on a path to lead and engage others to flourish, including their teams, families, and students and clients with autism.
The 3-day immersion event kicked off a more comprehensive, year-long learning experience into the relationship between wellbeing and autism. Participants started with a deep dive into the PERMA+ Framework of Wellbeing and then explored five Positive Psychology skills – Character Strengths, Strengths Spotting, Jolts of Joy, What Went Well, and Showcase the Good. They then discovered how to introduce, teach, and spread the science and skills of happiness within their own communities. As committed members of the Proof Positive Autism Wellbeing Alliance, participants are dedicated to tailoring and implementing these evidence-informed positive interventions into the schools, offices, classrooms, and practices they represent while ensuring the practices and resources are accessible to the autism community.
Proof Positive was proud to host participants from a variety of nationally renowned autism organizations, including Insight Behavior, Balance Autism, Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC), The Cove School, Easterseals Southern California, AJ Drexel Autism Institute, Redwood Coast Regional Center and the Y.A.L.E School NJ. Each organization sent two leaders who will continue to participate in the Learning Institute over the next year. During the 3-day immersion experience, participants had the opportunity of meeting and getting to know one another, learning about each other’s work, and collaborating on how they will take the science and skills of Positive Psychology back to their communities.
The Autism Wellbeing Alliance is part of Proof Positive’s commitment to spreading the science and skills of happiness to the autism community and increasing the total tonnage of happiness in the world. With partnership and collaboration at the center of the Alliance, Proof Positive hopes to create a movement where people are empowered to take control of their wellbeing and promote the wellbeing of others. Happiness can be learned, and Positive Psychology tools are beneficial to autistic individuals when we make these practices accessible.
Through critical efforts like the Learning Institute and the Autism Wellbeing Alliance, Proof Positive aims to create a world where wellbeing wins—for all.