Last summer, Paige Raetz, PhD., BCBA-D, joined Proof Positive’s Inaugural Learning Institute as a participant and representative of Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC). Now, one year later, she joined Proof Positive’s second annual Learning Institute from a new perspective: as the Vice President of Implementation and Dissemination at Proof Positive. Here, Paige shares reflections from both perspectives and what’s in store for the future. But you’ll want to hear about it from her…
In the wise words of Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” It takes a community to create a world where wellbeing wins for all.
Proof Positive’s Learning Institute is a community of leaders from autism organizations nationwide who are committed to spreading the science and skills of happiness in the autism community. As partners in our Autism Wellbeing Alliance, these leaders are on a path to lead and engage others to flourish. Representatives from nationally renowned autism organizations – including Insight Behavior, Balance Autism, Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC), The Cove School, Easterseals Southern California, AJ Drexel Autism Institute, Redwood Coast Regional Center, and the Y.A.L.E School NJ – attended the second annual three-day immersion event to strategize solutions for implementing the science and skills of happiness and improve the wellbeing of the autism community. The event is part of a comprehensive, multi-year-long learning experience for these organizations to sustainably implement the science and skills of happiness.
One year ago, I joined Proof Positive’s Inaugural Learning Institute as a participant, eager to learn more about the science and skills of happiness and how it can benefit the autism community. As a representative of SARRC (along with my colleague, Bethany Chadd), I left that experience inspired and motivated to take what we learned back to our organization. I knew there was so much potential for positive change.
Now, a year later, as someone who’s been both a participant and presenter, I’m eager to share some of my reflections and key takeaways from this year’s Learning Institute Immersion Experience.
Reflections from This Year’s Immersion Experience
Last year at our inaugural Learning Institute, we learned about the potential for positive psychology to impact autism intervention. We learned and practiced specific skills together as we imagined a world where wellbeing wins for all! Since then, each organization has put the science and skills of happiness into action in a variety of creative ways. As we kicked off year two, it was inspiring to hear stories from each organization about how their work has improved wellbeing for themselves and their clients and colleagues – from integrating Character Strengths into onboarding processes, remotely supporting autistic community members with the PERMA+ Snapshot, to organizing a week-long PERMA+ boot camp for individuals with autism.
What really struck me about this year’s Learning Institute was the strong sense of community in this group. People from all over the country, in various roles and organizations, came together with a shared mission: to improve the wellbeing of the autism community. People were so excited to see one another, and it was clear that this group of change-makers had created strong relationships and were excited to learn and grow together in year two.
As the group jumped into new content, we moved from imagining a world where wellbeing wins to diving into how to create that world. We built on the science and skills of happiness by learning new skills, like Positivity Resonance, Appreciative Inquiry, and High-Quality Connections, and embraced the practices of Positive Organizational Scholarship. We also spent some time in nature exploring the relationship between biomimicry and systems thinking to ensure thriving autism organizations in the future. We pushed ourselves to think deeply, question in new ways, and hold ideas about both the big picture and specific goals simultaneously. And we did all this while having fun! We laughed, we played, we walked, we dreamed, we reflected, we meditated, we even threw axes!
The Future of Implementing the Science and Skills of Happiness
As Proof Positive’s Vice President of Implementation and Dissemination, I see so many possibilities for implementing the science and skills of happiness through our incredible Learning Institute partners. This next year will be focused on partners taking what they learned back to their teams to create systems for sustainable change. I cannot wait to see what’s to come.
With partnership and collaboration at the center of the Alliance, Proof Positive is creating a movement where people are empowered to take control of their wellbeing and promote the wellbeing of others. Through community, connection, and partnership, we will create a world where wellbeing wins for all.
Read more about our Learning Institute partners’ impact on their communities as they’ve begun practicing and implementing the science and skills of happiness.