Proof Positive is excited to share that we’ve launched a new Skill Center, where you can access all of the skills of happiness in one place! 

Get a quick introduction to each skill by reading a brief overview or watching a short (less than one minute!) video introduction. If you’re interested in exploring it more, click “LEARN MORE.” Easily access all of the free printable resources for yourself, your autistic students, or your community. 

Want to teach the Skill? The Skill Center has a quick link to “START TEACHING,” bringing you directly to all of the resources to teach that skill to your students – including teaching slides, teacher notes and guides, and printable worksheets. Did we mention that all of these resources are free forever?! 

Skills available in the Skill center right now are Jolts of Joy, Character Strengths, What Went Well, PERMA+ Snapshot, and Strength Spotting (our newly launched Featured Skill!). Coming soon is Positivity Portfolio and Showcase the Good! The Skill Center will continue to grow as we regularly launch new skills of happiness, so be sure to check back regularly to see what’s new in the Skill Center. 

Learning, practicing, and teaching the science and skills of happiness over time can lead to overall wellbeing for you and your students with autism. See how you can begin to implement these skills and start reaping the benefits – explore the Skill Center today!

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