Is there someone who’s profoundly impacted your life whom you would like to thank? Consider writing them a gratitude letter to benefit their wellbeing and yours

Research (Troh et al., 2009; Seligman et al., 2005) tells us that simply handwriting a gratitude letter can enable the mind to broaden and build, and delivering and reading gratitude letters to the recipient boosts both parties’ wellbeing. This single positive intervention of a gratitude letter can have long-lasting positive effects on your wellbeing, from increased happiness to strengthened relationships. Note that Gratitude Letter Writing goes beyond a simple “thank you” card; it’s a deliberate and heartfelt expression of appreciation to someone who has profoundly impacted your life.

Here’s how you can start practicing Gratitude Letter Writing: 

  • Reflect on those who have positively influenced your life 
  • Write letters to individuals who have made a difference in your life
  • Hand deliver the letter or read it to the recipient if you can
  • Reap the benefits of this practice, including a boosted immune system, increased positive affect, and increased life satisfaction, and experience the profound impact it can have on your wellbeing.

You can also encourage others to practice Gratitude Letter Writing. Whether you’re a teacher guiding students to develop a gratitude practice or a parent nurturing a culture of appreciation within your family, Gratitude Letter Writing can be a powerful tool for fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.

Gift letters of gratitude to loved ones, incorporate them into school meetings like quarterly conferences with parents or annual Individualized Education Program meetings, or create a community-wide initiative to spread wellbeing far and wide.

So, pick up your pen and write a gratitude letter. You could bring joy to someone’s day—and your own.

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