Young child wears sunflower glasses while standing in a sunflower field

DISCOVER Character Strengths

What’s right with you? Who are you at your best? Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact the way you think, feel, and behave. Decades of research in positive psychology has identified 24 character strengths valued across cultures and time (such as hope, bravery, and kindness). Every person has a unique set of strengths that enables you to thrive — the first step is to become aware of your uniquely powerful set of strengths. The science of character strengths is clear — shining the light on what is RIGHT with you and those around you tremendously impacts your wellbeing, relationships, and engagement. This is true of everyone, including autistic individuals. Let’s lean into strengths to ensure everyone can thrive!

EXPLORE Character Strengths

Start exploring the practice of Character Strengths to focus on what’s RIGHT.

Unit Study with print, video and digital resources to practice and teach Character Strengths.

Shine a light on your signature strengths worksheet
Find your sweet spot worksheet

How is YOUR Wellbeing?