Movement for Happiness is a positive intervention that must be practiced, repeatedly. Below are a few activities to guide you in exploring movement practices that bring you innate joy. When engaging in a positive intervention, it helps to track your wellbeing as a measure of success. Before you dive in, take your PERMA+ Snapshot and see what your score is today. Next, try each of the activities below over the coming weeks and then retake your PERMA+ Snapshot to see how the positive intervention of Movement for Happiness impacted your wellbeing.

Try the positive intervention as researchers intended…

movement for happiness printable thumbnailPositive Intervention: Movement for Happiness
Consider a movement practice that brings you innate joy and pleasure. Engage in a minimum of 150 mins/week (that’s about 25 minutes per day) of that movement at a moderate to vigorous intensity for the next 6 weeks. Feel free to spice up your movement practice by taking it outside, adding music, or inviting a friend to join. At the end of each movement practice, take a moment to reflect on your mood and overall wellbeing.

Once you have completed your first 6 weeks of Movement for Happiness, don’t stop there. Explore these additional practices to add movement to your daily life…

  1. Movement Snacks
    Frequent, short bursts (5-10 minutes) of movement throughout the day are not only fun but also beneficial to your happiness. Try setting an alarm or reminder — whether on your phone, calendar, or a clock — and taking five movement snacks per day over the next five days. Get creative! There’s no minimum dose of movement necessary to boost your mood after sitting for too long.
  1. Mindful Movement
    Bring your full awareness to your movement practice by limiting distractions, taking a deep breath and attending mindfully to each component of your practice. Without intention, our minds can easily check out of a run, hike, or other movement practice. Use this practice to learn how to direct (and often redirect) your attention to your breathing and movement.
  1. Movement for Happiness Boosters
    Already have a movement practice that brings you joy? Try layering on one or more of these movement boosters and reflect on the impact. Could you add a little competition to your daily run? Bring a sense of play and wonder to your hike? Or would taking your bike ride off the city streets and into nature add benefit?
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