Learning and engaging in Showcase the Good is a positive intervention that must be practiced, repeatedly. Below are a few activities to increase your awareness around response patterns and reflect on the impact of your responses to good news. When engaging in a positive intervention, it helps to track your wellbeing as a measure of success. Before you dive in, take your PERMA+ Snapshot and see what your score is today. Next, try each of the activities below over the coming weeks and then retake your PERMA+ Snapshot to see how the positive intervention of Showcase the Good impacted your wellbeing.
Start Here! … Good News Journal
To get started, begin tracking your own good news. These are the little things or big things that happen day-to-day that bring you joy. Reflect on the event, who you might want to share it with, and any barriers you feel to sharing your good news. For example, some of us may be afraid to be seen as bragging, or have received too many poor responses to good news to want to share.
Good News Reflection
Spend a few minutes reflecting on the styles of response you often provide to those you care most about. Start by making a list of loved ones and then reflect on moments they have shared good news with you. How did you respond? For the people closest to you, it is likely you respond in all four styles depending on the news or circumstances. What would change if you began responding by showcasing the good news more often?
Good News Conversation Tracker
Over the next 30 days, keep track of who shares good news with you and who you share good news with. Capture the interactions and take a moment to jot down how the interactions played out: What response style was used? How did either or both parties feel? What were the benefits or deterrents of the interaction?
Showcase the Good FAQs
You have likely noticed by now that this skill is a bit trickier than it seems at first. There are many reasons we fail to showcase good news when it’s shared with us. Take a moment to think about the FAQs and how you might design a plan to work around some of the common pitfalls (time, concern, strengths).