“The negative screams at you. But the positive only whispers.”
— Dr. Barbara Fredrickson —

For Your Family

Showcase the Good at Meals

  • When your family comes together for a shared meal, ensure that the 4 response styles are visibly present at the table. Take turns sharing good news from your day or week and then respond by Showcasing the Good! Notice how your family wellbeing gets a boost by learning to become joy multipliers!

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Showcase the Good Family Challenge

  • Each day, set a “family listener” — this can be “Mom = Monday, etc.” They are responsible for looking around throughout the day for opportunities to Showcase the Good to everyone! BONUS: Tally the points up at the end of the week to see how many active constructive responses were provided.

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For Your School

Showcase the Good at Meetings

  • Open meetings by having people share a win from the day. These can be small or big wins presented as good news! As the group leader, demonstrate active constructive responding to Showcase the Good. Or, if your team is skilled at Showcase the Good, have them share and respond in small groups.

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Good News Office Referrals

  • Teachers and staff should fill out a slip when a student has good news to share (examples: academic achievement, good news story from home, or anything else the student is proud of). Hand the paper to an administrator so they can discuss with the student and showcase their good news.

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For Your Community

Showcase the Good Bulletin Board

  • In a central location, set up a community bulletin board that describes each of the 4 response styles to good news. Place “Good News” slips next to the board and have people post their good news. If you see someone you know who shared good news, be sure to seek them out and Showcase the Good!

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Showcase the Good in your Newsletter

  • Add a shoutout section in your community newsletter centered on good news. Add the visual of the 4 response styles and put examples of each response style to the good news. Encourage readers to try our Showcase the Good with their colleagues, friends, family and students.