“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches,
but to reveal to them their own.”

— Benjamin Disreali —

For Your Family

A Strength A Day

  • Create a jar or bowl that has all 24 Character Strengths inside. Each morning, pull one strength that the entire family will focus on putting into action. During dinner or in the evening, reflect on how each member of your family used the strength. Feel free to spot the strength in yourself or one another. If a daily Character Strengths routine doesn’t work for your family, try two per week (one for the first half of the week, one for the second half).

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Strengths Spotting for Sleep Journal

  • At bedtime, shift the focus to strengths. Start a journal where your family will spend a few minutes each night practicing Strength Spotting. This resource has a list of all 24 strengths, so that you can spot a variety of Character Strengths in yourself and one another.

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For Your School

Identifying your Child’s Strengths

  • At back-to-school night, have parents complete the brief VIA Strengths Survey to identify strengths they believe their child displays. Bring the group together and have a few parents report how they believe their child’s strengths will be displayed during the year. Revisit their survey at ALL parent / teacher conferences.

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Character Calls

  • When a student goes above and beyond to display a strength, don’t just tell them — call their parents. On the phone call, be sure to share exactly when strength(s) were displayed and how the strength(s) benefited the class. Encourage parents to surprise their child with the news that they received a “Character Calls” phone call and do something special to celebrate.

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Strength Spotting During Observations

  • We all know that teacher/classroom observations can be stressful events. Try adding a section for spotting the strengths of the educator or staff member to your standard observation/feedback form. When you are debriefing the observation with a teacher, be sure to start with all the ways you saw them bring their strengths to the lesson/session.

For Your Community

Strength Spotting Shoutout Board

  • In a central location, set-up a Strength Spotting Shout Out bulletin board — this can be in-person or virtual on Canva. Include slips of paper or digital icons with each of the 24 strengths. Encourage all members of the community to recognize and appreciate strengths in themselves and one another.

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Strength Spotting On the Go

  • Print the attached “Strengths Slips”. As you go about your day, pull out a slip anytime you see someone display a strength. Jot them a quick note or tell them what you spotted. Encourage them to take the VIA and learn more about what is right with them. You can start sharing these with friends and acquaintances, but this even works on perfect strangers! It might take a little courage to hand out the first slip, but watch what a positive impact you can have on others.

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