Ryan, 31, and Justin, 24, are brothers with autism, avid movie-watchers, and Disney experts. They know everything about Disney’s history, the origins of Mickey Mouse, and the best attractions at Disney World (they have different Disney t-shirts to go with each park they visit). 

In appreciation of Disney and Pixar’s movie Inside Out, Proof Positive interviewed the Disney fans to gain insights into their connection with Disney characters, why Disney movies make them feel good, and their anticipation of Inside Out 2

Watch the video to find out more about the brothers and their love for Disney! 

Many autistic individuals have a special connection to Disney characters. We know characters can teach us about ourselves, and, for Inside Out, show us what’s happening inside our brains. Ryan and Justin’s mom, Theresa Forthhofer, said Disney and watching movies together as a family helped her connect with her sons’ emotions.

 “We’re excited to use Proof Positive’s Guide on the Side and learn about emotions. Talking about the characters from Inside Out 2 has already helped us learn about what each other thinks about wellbeing and what makes us happy,” she said.

Ryan, Justin, and their family will view Inside Out 2 at the movie theater and then report back to us. Download our Guide on the Side and stay tuned for their expert movie review and thoughts on Inside Out 2’s new characters, hopefully without rotten tomatoes!

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