TEACH Jolts of Joy

Explore the intersection of positive psychology and autism intervention by teaching your students how to add Jolts of Joy to their day.

Start Teaching!
This comprehensive bundle comes with everything you need to jolt joy in the classroom, from teaching slides and notes to supplementary resources.

Teaching Plan

Learning Objectives

  • Students learn to receptively and expressively identify 10 positive emotions
  • Students learn to identify the physiological responses (e.g., smiling, increased heart rate) associated with positive emotions in themselves
  • Students are able to identify activities/experiences/thoughts that induce each of the 10 positive emotions

Unit Lesson

  • Download the Google slides from above
  • Student instruction in slide format
  • Teaching plan in speaker notes and also available as a Google doc
  • Download and copy printable materials for students from above
  • Begin Teaching Jolts of Joy!
    • Activity 1:   Intro to Emotions and Our Brains
    • Activity 2:   Deep Dive into Positive Emotions
    • Activity 3:   Spot Emotions in Pictures & Videos
    • Activity 4:   Create a Jolts of Joy Class Poster
    • Activity 5:   Design Your Own Jolts of Joy List
    • Activity 6:   Reflection

Integration into Current Instruction

  • Are your students learning how to keep appointments? Practice Jolts of Joy by scheduling a Jolt of Joy appointment every day.
  • Are your students learning how to interact with their peers? Learn about a peer’s Jolt of Joy and deliver it to them.
  • Are your students learning to identify and self-regulate their emotions? Include the 10 positive emotions and their own Jolts of Joy in their learning.

Modifications and Accommodations for Different Learning Levels

  • Ask students with fewer skills to match pictures of positive emotions with positive emotion words.
  • Provide a context and background for the concept of positive emotions as a teacher by verbally labeling the 10 positive emotions that your students exhibit. When you see your students exhibiting the 10 positive emotions (love, joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, awe, hope, pride, amusement, and inspiration) verbally say them out loud. “You look like you are so joyful!” – or – “That music looks like it makes you experience serenity.”
  • During shared reading, label the positive emotions that characters are feeling. For example, the crowd felt awe when watching the professional athlete and look how that character showed amusement when someone told a joke.
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