DISCOVER Positivity Portfolios
How many micro moments of joy, love, or gratitude are required to have a good day — or live a flourishing life? Micro moments of positivity are often quick, and sometimes go unnoticed. The same is true for spontaneous positive thoughts — we are more likely to let them pass without any attention (unlike spontaneous negative thoughts that hook us with ease). It is important that we pause and bring a more mindful approach to positive emotions, because when those micro moments of joy are strung together, they have tremendous potential to boost our wellbeing. That’s where Positivity Portfolios — a collection of items, memories, songs or pictures that trigger you to feel specific positive emotions — come into play.
EXPLORE Positivity Portfolios
Start exploring the practice of savoring Positivity Portfolios to intentionally experience more positive emotions day-to-day.
Unit Study with print, video and digital resources to practice and teach Positivity Portfolios.