Strength Spotting

DISCOVER Strength Spotting

When was the last time someone pointed out what is RIGHT with you? Each of us has a
biological need to be seen for who we are and recognized by those around us. We each have
Character Strengths which enable us to show who we are at our best. Nothing beats being
meaningfully seen and recognized for your unique combination of strengths. The skill of Strength
Spotting enables you to get comfortable with and good at naming, explaining and appreciating
what is right in yourself and those around you. By focusing on Character Strengths, you can reap the
benefits of enhanced wellbeing, stronger relationships and even improved work satisfaction.

EXPLORE Strength Spotting

Start exploring the practice of Strength Spotting and
develop a habit of noticing what is right.

Unit Study with print, video and digital resources to practice and teach Strength Spotting.

strength spotting hindsight document image
strength-a-day document image

How is YOUR Wellbeing?