For Your Family
Text Happiness
- Start a family text chain with the sole purpose being to induce positive emotions — GOOD NEWS ONLY texts. This is a family celebration station.
Jolts of Joy Jar
- In your kitchen, create a jar full of notes that represent Jolts of Joy (simple activities you and your family members can engage in for a quick moment of positivity) and encourage people to grab a Jolt of Joy card when they are down or just need a boost.
For Your School
Morning / Afternoon Announcements
- Here with a quick Jolt of Joy is <Name of Person Presenting>. They are going to share some great news with us all today! We hope this news brings you _______________ (name the emotions).
- Music is a wonderful way to feel positive emotions! This morning, we are going to listen to _______________ and hope that it serves as a Jolt of Joy for everyone
Staff Meetings
- Start with a quick YouTube clip that inspires positive emotions
- Assign people that are responsible for the Jolt of Joy each month and encourage them to be creative
For Your Community
Jolts of Joy Challenge
- Challenge staff and students to be the first person in the community to jolt joy for others in each of the 10 positive emotions. Complete the Jolts of Joy Challenge worksheet and receive a big jolt of recognition!