Showcase the Good featured image, Showcase the good. Teenage son is hugging mother

DISCOVER Showcase the Good

Will you be there for me when things go … RIGHT? While we all need social support during challenges and setbacks, we also need people to showcase our wins. It is known that we share good news at least one time per day. But how the other person responds to the good news has the potential to strengthen or shatter relationships. And, bad news: There are 4 response styles to good news, and ONLY 1 helps to strengthen relationships. In a time when we need connection more than ever, let’s learn a skill that teaches us how to show up, and SHOWCASE THE GOOD.

EXPLORE Showcase the Good

Start exploring the practice of Showcase the Good to learn how to capitalize on positive experiences!

Unit Study with print, video and digital resources to practice and teach Showcase the Good.

Good News / Bad News Brainstorm thumbnail
Responding to Good News Role Play thumbnail

How is YOUR Wellbeing?